Saturday seen the last of the training for 20+ of our volunteers. we looked at the the size of the problem of addiction throughout the world! Across the world seven people die every minute! This figure is so staggering that it could become overwhelming!
However we were reminded of the size of our God that we serve and how nothing is impossible and no one is out of His reach. Changing the world one person at a time!
We were blessed to hear short snippets of 4 woman who were lost and now are found and not only found but the truth has set them free from their addiction.
Count down is now on:
In the next two weeks our volunteers will be out on the bus in Stirling and Falkirk praying for the areas!
Wednesday 20th the work in Stirling goes live!
Thursday 21st the work in Falkirk goes live!
Please support us in prayer! Much Prayer Much Blessing!
