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Connect2 TC Forth Valley has now officially begun!

The starters gun went off on Wednesday 20th November 2019. Stephen Melvin set off to collect the bus from Hillington. BUT. It wasn’t to be!

The bus was not for coming as it cut out a few minutes into the journey. WHY? What were we going to do?

The one thing we were not going to do was cancel the volunteers and so with a phone call to John Caldwell we had a venue in Stirling and amazingly a few divine appointments where the result – Praise God!

The bus was back on the road by Thursday and we were full of anticipation to see what God might have planned for us?

We were certainly not disappointed from the start of the evening when two young men came on looking to find out what the charity was all about. Some of the volunteers went out and about handing out leaflets and even just as were ready to go! It happened?

A man in his mid-40s jumped on the bus excited to see it been parked in the same location as it been many years earlier as he began to share his story of how Teen Challenge helped him and his wife. He recalled going through TC rehabilitation centre at the same time as Jay Fallon (now Pastor Jay Fallon, Director of Teen Challenge UK).

However, with sadness in his eyes he referred to not always having made the best decision in his life!  

Just as we were about to part company with our new friend, a man and woman came over to ask who we were? Although we were keen to get on the road, here again, we believe was another divine appointment as we shared about TC. The young lady told us how she would love to get away to rehab!!

We could only stand in amazement at the end of our night. We were humbled by our experience as we recalled what we had just witnessed over the previous two days!

If we ever needed conformation that there was a work for the charity to do, then the Lord confirmed to us!

God can do anything, you know - far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams! He does it not by pushing us around but by working within us, his Spirit deeply and gently within us” (Ephesians 3:20).

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